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In regard to the use of the trademark, it states in its Trademark Jurisdiction and Principal Jurisdiction that the registered mark was registered in the United States under No. 4,907,166 of the first fille of copyright of the United States.
In a joint statement, the two parties have stated that they will be pursuing a civil action in connection with the dispute.
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Category:2010 manga
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Category:Kadokawa Dwango franchises
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In C++, how do I read a non-numeric line from a file?
I'm new to C++, and I'm having trouble trying to read a line from a file. I tried the example with char but when I attempt to use the read function, it tells me that it needs to be defined in a header file. So I tried the same with a string but that didn't work either. Any suggestions?
I'm reading from a txt file. It's supposed to be the name of an employee and their phone number and their salary.
If you are reading from a text file, I think it should be more straightforward to read it as a string.
If it's of a fixed size, you can use char[] or std::string (example).
char[] is more restricted in the size it can take (although it will work if you know you need a certain number of characters);
std::string is more flexible in size, but will not work with non-ASCII strings (I don't know how much flexibility the read function needs to handle such a situation);
For a file you may need to specify that it's text; if not, it'll usually convert it for you.
If you want to read a line from a text file you can use this code ( ac619d1d87
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